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Abeer Kapoor, Author at Hard News Abeer Kapoor, Author at Hard News

Abeer Kapoor

City of Spectres

RV Smith, who died recently, spent a lifetime getting to know the many spirits who inhabit Delhi

5 years ago

Locking Down Democracy

So, what is the future of Indian democracy, and how can we make it work from home?

5 years ago

India’s Lines of Credit lost its way? An Infographic

India in the past four years has deprioritised the African continent when it comes to its Line of Credit for…

7 years ago

Ahead of the Curve: Why Indian’s Should look to Study in Estonia

The Estonian Government wants to attract young, exciting talent from India to work at its start-ups and study in its…

7 years ago

“The world changed because of 1979”: Satish Jacob on the Afghan-Soviet War and its relevance today

Satish Jacob was one of the first Indian reporters on the ground in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion of 1979.…

7 years ago

The Football World Cup and the New Cold War

The mysterious poisoning of a former Russian double agent has triggered an inevitable cold war which has deleterious effects for…

7 years ago

Cases 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000: The woes of Benjamin Netanyahu

Everything you need to know about the cases against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

7 years ago

India’s dietary fascism is regress in the modern world

Legislating and lynching are becoming common in India, while the Supreme Court has rules on the right of privacy which…

7 years ago

How a Paranoid British Raj Spied on Indian Communists

A rich archive of intelligence reports suggests that the October Revolution of 1917 had left the British in India paranoid…

7 years ago

Nepal’s China Challenge

An unprepared Nepal has been blindsided by the glitter of proposed Chinese investments which could compromise its sovereignty

8 years ago