Foreign Policy

Donald Trump’s Presidential re-election bid may decide- is the virus a bio-weapon or of natural origin?

Could a chimeric virus be created in a lab without the vaccine or anti-body protection? Who weaponised it when it…

5 years ago

Indian Migrants in Gulf: Uncertainties Amid Corona Curfew

Indian migrants are hoping that communal and political tensions will not play out and they can battle the Corona curfew…

5 years ago

Trumped – Emerging powers in a post American world

Book Review of Prof Sreeram Chaulia's book on US President Donald Trump titled " Trumped"-Emergind powers in post American World.

5 years ago

Corona: No dilution of basic rights

The global pandemic should not lead to legitimizing authoritarian tendencies among governments, as in China and Israel. This is especially…

5 years ago

Pegasus: The Shadow of Surveillance

The Pegasus attack is called the ‘most sophisticated’ smartphone attack ever. It seems a deadly USA-Israel nexus. The NSO group…

5 years ago

‘The street is a symbol that can mobilise people’

Suchitra Vijayan of The Polis Project, New York in conversation with Amit Sengupta on the current mass movement in India.

5 years ago

Turkey and Kurds: Is the end game in sight?

It could be quite possible if Turkey -- satisfied with the push back of Kurds from their enclaves -- decides…

5 years ago

The World on a Brink

Political leadership requires balance, responsibility and a sensible leadership to create an atmosphere of predictability and security. The contrary is…

5 years ago

Chinese challenge to Modi’s Kashmir gamble

With an adverse international media coverage on mass human rights violations, the UN security council taking up Kashmir for the…

6 years ago

Kashmir, Afghanistan, Trump and Modi: Mysterious Mediation

US President Donald Trump’s offer to mediate in Kashmir and his rehabilitation of Pakistan as a frontline State against terror…

6 years ago