
The BJP tries on a new image: champion of ‘good governance’

By Satish Jha, University of Delhi in Delhi With state and national elections ahead, the party moves away from its time-tested appeal…

1 year ago

Caste census: game changer or false hope?

By Ajay Gudavarthy, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi The opposition wants to bring back caste as a check on the BJP’s…

1 year ago

How do the five states going to the polls stack up economically?

By Deepanshu Mohan, Samragnee Chakraborty, Aryan Govindakrishnan, O.P Jindal Global University in New Delhi With five Indian states having elections, a new…

1 year ago

Domino effect: Can state elections upset the Modi machine in 2024?

India's state elections don’t usually foretell national polls, but this time around, many will be looking for signs of a…

1 year ago

India has ignored infertility for too long

India has a history of coercive family planning which ignored infertility. A shift in focus will help women’s health. For…

1 year ago

Building houses on Sand dunes in tsunami zone- recipe for a calamity

Long years ago, Shiva Samantaray, a minister in the kingdom of Narasimha Deva, was given the responsibility to supervise the…

1 year ago

How Modi’s campaigning influenced the world

Siva Vaidhyanathan from the University of Virginia answers the question if Narendra Modi would be Prime Minister of India without…

1 year ago

Trust us: how India takes control of personal data

A creeping authoritarianism now extends to the digital sphere in India. India is often called the world's largest democracy. While this…

1 year ago

How the Indian Constitution advances the Hindu state

The NRC saw the revival of colonial legislation on the foreigner who needs to prove their citizenship, and the CAA…

2 years ago

As laws expand their reach in India, political freedoms shrink

Laws restricting basic freedoms may be made in the name of public order and national security, but they are often…

2 years ago