EDITORIAL: These are worrying times, but we may still hope to pray for peace in the days to come before…
Editor’s Note: Amit was in Srinagar from August 31 to September 4, almost 25 days after Delhi declared Jammu and…
With an adverse international media coverage on mass human rights violations, the UN security council taking up Kashmir for the…
The trauma of Kashmir in the larger context of the fight for democracy and human rights.
Sheila Dikshit would be missed as a liberal democrat, a great and visionary administrator, a symbol of urban modernity, a…
Despite a commendable effort during the Lok Sabha Elections, Rahul Gandhi faced defeat and now he feels he must deal…
Can the majority backing BJP truly accept that they will finally inherit a peaceful, stable and prosperous nation without communal…
When the Congress seemed unequal to the task of serving the interests of the Indian State – coherence, stability, security,…
This election has endorsed the project of Hindu nationalism - namely, the creation of a Hindu majoritarian state and polity.