
India’s clean energy transition requires a delicate balancing act

A balance between emission and growth warrants integrated energy planning, leading to a low-cost transition pathway for sustainable growth.

How Delhi can meet its energy needs amid a sizzling summer

Securing cities from future heat effects requires a fictional reality which can become a future truth.

Oil: Beyond the mirage of low prices

Oil and gas markets have gradually stabilized and prices will likely break the $40 barrier as the world economy restarts.

Fuel import bill jumps due to election in Nepal

Nepal’s oil import bill for October-November jumped 40 percent due […]

Mohammed bin Salman elevated to Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

Financial analysts say that Prince Mohammed’s promotion gives further assurance […]

Crude Oil’s Seven Month-Low: US Overproduction, Indian under consumption

After the feeble bump in crude prices post the Qatar […]

‘Time for India to play greater role in resolving Saudi-Iran conflict’

Veteran diplomat Talmeez Ahmad says that with the US losing […]

Trump under fire over expected global climate deal withdrawal

A US pullout could have sweeping implications. The deal relies […]

Iraq Hedges Oil Production in the Face of Price Volatility

To save itself from future price shocks the Iraqi State […]

Oil Markets remain Weak this Week Despite OPEC Cut in Production

Reuters Oil markets remained weak on Friday after tumbling in […]