Global Warming

What Trump’s withdrawal from climate change commitments means

The US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is high on symbolism but in substance it will not mean much

Can nuclear replace coal-based electricity in India?

India’s energy strategy should be a judicious mix of coal, nuclear power, and clean energy resources. The share of coal, however, needs to come down

Making an electric car battery, minus China

Building indigenous capacities to produce raw materials for lithium-ion batteries will be crucial for achieving energy transition goals

India’s road to net zero needs a renewable energy boost

Power distribution companies need a least cost-based procurement strategy and a people-centric energy transition to achieve net zero

Cop-out on climate finance at COP29

It seems that saving the planet from an impending climate catastrophe does not figure in the priorities of developed countries

Learned optimism can be a game-changer in climate negotiations

A change in approach can help developing countries challenge the historically negative outcomes of the negotiation process and adopt a positive outlook